Status Check
This method allows the partner to check the status of the loan of the prospect and is easy to use with inputs about the prospect number of the client. On successful execution, the API returns the status along with disbursal date, amount, UTR number and Closure type and date (if applicable).
Request URL Method: POST
Request format: JSON
Request Header
Content-Type: application/json
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: provided by IIFL
Field Name | Description | Data Type (max length) |
Mandatory | Sample Value |
requestCode | Request Code of the API called | Varchar | Yes | PLRQCL01 |
appVer | Developer App Version | Varchar | Yes | 1.0 |
key | UserKey generated at the time of registration | Varchar | Yes | ABpyyGUh1nsbesSlup3VKURkI4tQDe8y |
osName | Channel of order | Varchar | Yes | WebAPI, Android, iOS |
appName | App Name provided at the time of registration | Varchar | Yes | ALLIANCE |
source | Source provided at the time of registration | Varchar | Yes | 321 |
Field Name | Description | Data Type (max length) |
Mandatory | Sample Value |
ProspectNo | Prospect Number provided while prospect creation | Varchar (10) | Yes | 78946123 |
Field Name | Description | Data Type (max length) |
List of Values | Sample Value |
responseCode | This is the response code of API | Varchar(20) | - | PLRQCL01 |
status | This is the response code of API | Varchar(10) | 0 - Success 1 - Fail |
0 |
Source | This is the Partner’s name | Varchar(20) | - | Partner_Name |
statusDescription | Description of the response status | Varchar(50) | - | - |
success_user_status | Status of the user for a partner | Varchar(10) | 0 - Success 1 - Fail |
0 |
Field Name | Description | Data Type (max length) |
Sample Value |
prospectno |
Varchar(500) |
Application received Credit decision pending Credit query raised (Credit query list if checked by creditor) Credit query replied Loan Rejected Loan Sanctioned Ready to Disburse Disbursed Loan Closed |
"head": {
"requestCode": "PLRQST01",
"key": "756d0ed0d08b8355b91c398d7c690c03",
"appVer": "1.0",
"osName": "WebAPI",
"appName": "ALLIANCE",
"source": "PartnerName"
"body": {
"ProspectNo": "SL1066970"
Response (Success)
"head": {
"status": "0",
"success_user_status": "0",
"response_code": "LRPST01",
"status_description": "success",
"source": "PartnerName"
"body": {
"ProspectNo": "SL1066970",
"Status": "Ready to Disburse",
"DisbursalDate": "3/5/2018 3:06:18 PM",
"DisbursalAmount": "1000",
"UTRNo": "12457856",
"ClosureReason": "Fully Matured",
"ClosureType": "FORECLOSURE"
Response (Failure)
"head": {
"status": "1",
"success_user_status": "1",
"response_code": "LRPST01",
"status_description": "E53-Invalid prospect number",
"source": "PartnerName"
"body": {
"ProspectNo": null,
"Status": null,
"DisbursalDate": null,
"DisbursalAmount": null,
"UTRNo": null